Environmental Health News

Quarterly Update: Refreshed for 2020»

February 27, 2020 –     We’re excited to launch into 2020 with a few fresh updates, including a newsletter to keep you informed about our state’s environmental health.  In addition to our newsletter update,…

Climate Change Impacts on Children’s Health»

The New York Times | November 13, 2019 – The health effects of climate change will be unevenly distributed and children will be among those especially harmed, according to a new report from the medical journal 'The Lancet.'

The Hidden Consequences of New Mexico’s Latest Oil Boom»

High Country News | May 22, 2019 – Unless it builds up and explodes, methane is not a human health hazard. It is, however, accompanied by a slew of potentially dangerous substances, including benzene — a known carcinogen — toluene and other volatile organic compounds.